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                400-027-6688 |    中文版

                ABOUT US

                Company profile

                Shanghai Beiyang Pump Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a science, industry and trade in one of the water supply and drainage system equipment, various pump series of professional manufacturing enterprises. Enterprises through the ISO9001:2008 international quality certification system, has won the important field of national and Industry issued by the fire, drinking water hygiene license, the coal production license: Fire won 3CF certification,  certification, construction products certificate, national demonstration projects recommended products and the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce issued "trustworthy enterprise", "contract credit certificate" and other honorary titles".

                The main products: the main products produced by this company are fire pump, pipeline pump, sewage pump, multistage pump, fire pump, constant pressure water supply equipment and related motor, control cabinets, valves etc.. And in the construction industry, petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, environmental protection, fire water, urban water supply and drainage, national defense and other engineering facilities have been widely used.

                Shanghai Beiyang pump the spirit of "integrity, efficiency, innovation and excellence" spirit of enterprise, always for the purpose of customer satisfaction, strict quality, positive innovation, advancing with the times, constantly improve themselves, to enhance the market competitiveness, create "Beiyang" brand!


                Enterprise spirit: the pursuit of excellence, challenge the future unremitting self-improvement and innovation

                Company tenet: quality first customer first commitment to create famous brand

                Business philosophy: the quality of survival for the development of science and technology to service for the credibility of management for efficiency

                User commitment: reliable quality, reasonable price, excellent service, continuous innovation, all for customer satisfaction

                Quality policy: Science and technology leading quality excellence, customer satisfaction

                Management philosophy: people-oriented innovation and strictness of iron discipline

                Corporate image: full of youthful spirit high spirited unity of honesty and trustworthiness

                Employing standard: only merit not sticking to formalities of talented people

                Guidelines for the development of enterprises: enterprises to become bigger and stronger products to create first-class enterprises


                • Certificate
                • Honor
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                The development of talent is the premise of the development of the enterprise, the intelligence of the staff is an important knowledge resource of the enterprise. The company adhere to the management process in order to build a harmonious labor relations as the key to development of enterprise staff development as the core; the goal of enterprise can better reflect the interests of employees and employees, enables employees to achieve business goals while achieving their goals!

                People oriented enterprise management embodies the idea of knowledge productivity. The enterprises use their knowledge resources (i.e. all staff's ability and cleverness) the ability to create wealth, to build a harmonious relationship, is to adapt to the internationalization of basic management, is the cornerstone of sustained and healthy development of the enterprise.

                Job title: Marketing Manager

                Basic requirements: college degree or above, more than 5 years sales experience, gender is not limited.

                25-45 years old, have engaged in more than 5 years pump sales is preferred!

                Contact: Director Lu  Tel:18968876757


                400-027-6688 QQ:1026140595